Your company is working on the field of Transmedie Storytelling and you would like to introduce it to the community? Here you can do that now. Please fill in the following form and answer some short questions about your company and we will publish ist (after a check) to our website. That way the whole Transmedia Storytelling Berlin community will get aware of your company and others can easily connnect with you.

  • Tell us your name (Firstname Surename)
  • Please let us know your email-address.
  • What is your company being called?
  • Please add the address of your company to make it easy for others to get in contact with your company quickly.
  • What is your companie's public phone number?
  • What is your companies website? Please fill in the complete URL.
  • What is the public email-address of your company that can be used to get in contact with you and your company.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 6 MB.
    Do you have a photo of your company, the team of you and your colleagues or something similar that you would like to share?
  • Please tell us the name of the person who shot the photo.
  • Tell us the URL to your companie's profile on facebook.
  • Tell us the URL to your companie's profile on twitter.
  • Tell us the URL to your companie's profile on google+.
  • Can you describe your company in no more than 140 characters? (e.G. "At ... we create story-universes for ..."
  • Please give us a short introduction into what your company does and why you are good at what you are doing.
  • Tell us a little bit about how your company makes use of Transmedia Storytelling and why.
  • Share some insights with our community about your projects.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.