Hello again! It’s been one month since our last, big meetup where we had to capture another table at Chaostheorie to have enough room for everyone. Their team took it with stride and we learned from this experience: we already reserved a bigger spot for our meetup this time. So, once again, if you’re a story lover, storyteller, writer, creator, author – however you call yourself and no matter which medium you use to create – VR, AR, social media, movies, advertisement, theater, mobile, games, books, podcasts, … If you’re curious to get to know fellow story aficionados that might have different backgrounds than yourself? Been there in March or May and wanna see us again? Then you should come along for our third storytellers’ meetup Berlin in July 2017. We’re thinking about including a small lightning talk at the beginning (no presentations), so please let us know if you would be interested in that – as listener or presenter.

All the info about our next meetup:

When: July 5, 2017, from 7.30pm

Where: Chaostheorie, Schliemannstr. 15 10437 Berlin U2 Eberswalder Str // U-/S-Bahn Schönhauser Allee // S-Bahn Prenzlauer Allee and a bit of walking (Google Maps)

Everyone pays for his or her own food and drinks.

Please let us know if you’ll come and bring friends, so we can save a spot!

Sorry, the event already took place! But be part of the fun next time. We'll meet again the first Wednesday of July 2017

See you in 4 weeks, take care!

Philipp, Patrick und Doro