Inga von Staden is a media expertinnovation mediatordialogue facilitator andcoach. She directs the four-year-studies programm Interactive Media at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg training students to develop and produce transmedia content. We met at Cross Media Net Lab 2011 at DokLeipzig, an event that she moderated.

Why transmedia?

Because it is an intellectual challenge! For the creator…
Because it expands the experience! For the target groups…

What’s driving the sudden activity and buzz around “transmedia”?

Digital Technology – democratization of media production
The Internet – traditional value chains in the media industries are breaking down
proliferation of media channels – there is no more one mass media channel

Can you think of any examples of content, either mainstream or niche, that are great case studies for how things should play out?

Take a look at Children’s media: Kiddinx Verlag, Tom und das Erdbeermarmeladenbrot mit Honig
They have been doing Transmedia for many years!

Do you think that only Hollywood and big networks are able to realise “cool” transmedia projects? (What does it need to accomplish great projects?)

I think creativity and innovation will always come from the fringe.
Hollywood will pick up on it and make the big bucks once they have changed their management.

What do you wish for upcoming transmedia projects?

Never abuse the user for our own success!

What is the transmedia scene in Germany like?

Very lively! In marketing, in broadcast, in publishing, in documentary film – still waiting for fiction film to catch on…

Thanks a lot for your time and your inspiration, Inga!

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